I hope you’re ready to be confused, because 14-year-old Willow Smith has released new music. She recently posted an EP called Interdimensional Tesseract (of course) on Soundcloud, and it includes three new songs produced by Chaotic — just gonna put that name there in case it means anything to you. If you want to know what these tracks sound like, just imagine a lot of synthesizer noises, high-pitched singing and space imagery. Lots and lots of space imagery.
The first song is called “Heart,” or rather “H E A R T .” as it’s spelled on Soundcloud. It starts with what sounds like a cowbell (Christopher Walken would be so proud), and the lyrics were most definitely written
The second song is called “Vibration,” and it sounds slightly more like a song, although I have pretty much zero idea what Willow is saying and I’m still getting the impression that it’s the kind of things aliens would transmit to Earth. The final track “See U Dance” doesn’t even feature Willow, unless she took a potion to make her voice sound like a man’s. Maybe the whole point is for us to use our imaginations. I bet hardcore Willow fans would tell me, “I totally heard her voice. You just weren’t listening hard enough.”
You can listen to the songs below. For maximum enjoyment, it’s best to imagine the recording process, with Willow at the microphone reading random words out of an astronomy textbook and Will Smith on the other side of the glass nodding his head soulfully.