African mobile streaming platform Tuluntulu has added a new channel to its content offering, which currently hosts 12 24-hour streaming TV channels. Launched in collaboration with South African media company Media Navigation, the new channel named MAFRIK aims to promote West African music by offering users access to quality music videos.
Dan Akinlolu, CEO of Media Navigation, says that recording music in a studio and shooting a music video can be a costly exercise for a struggling artist which is why the platform won’t charge artists to promote their music videos. “We are more than happy to work with them in releasing their video to the mass audience via our channel as long as it is of quality content,” said Akinlolu.
The Tuluntulu app is free to download from online platforms such as Google Play and iStore and does not charge a subscription fee. Streaming is 100% free on WiFi, with data costs incurred only if connected via a mobile network. African mobile streaming platform Tuluntulu has added a new channel to its content offering, which currently hosts 12 24-hour streaming TV channels. Launched in collaboration with South African media company Media Navigation, the new channel named MAFRIK aims to promote West African music by offering users access to quality music videos.
Dan Akinlolu, CEO of Media Navigation, says that recording music in a studio and shooting a music video can be a costly exercise for a struggling artist which is why the platform won’t charge artists to promote their music videos. “We are more than happy to work with them in releasing their video to the mass audience via our channel as long as it is of quality content,” said Akinlolu.
MAFRIK is calling on all artists, music video directors and studio managers to submit their videos for global broadcast in an array of genres including reggae, hip- hop, traditional, gospel, R&B, rap and choral. According to Akinlolu, “There is no limit to what to submit for broadcast.”
Interested contributors are advised to send a hard drive containing their content to the below address:
Dan Akinlolu
Media Navigation
Suite 122,
95, Belairs Drive
Northriding, Randburg
2194, South Africa
Contributors may also send a link with permission to download their video from sites such as Vimeo or YouTube. The link can be sent to: and cc